Custom Essays and Assignment Writing Website is an online custom essays, research papers, term papers, dissertation papers, and any assignment paper writing website. Our head office is located in Miami, Florida State, the United States while our customer support offices are located in different regions around the world in order to meet all our customers’ communication needs. Therefore, language is not a barrier at
Our writing staff is comprised of both English as a Native Language as well as English as a Second Language who are hired from across the world. Our ENL writers are from Canada, the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom while our ESL writers are from different regions and can communicate perfectly in English. Therefore, even the international students who do not want their papers to be written in complex English have their interests covered.
Additionally, the minimum qualification for our writing staff members is a Master’s degree, and the writers are drawn from different disciplines. This implies that there is no complex assignment for us since we have experts in all subjects to work on any paper; be it Engineering, Software Development, or Business paper.